Here is an oldie. I'm going back to the days were Chayanne used to roam around with his long curly hair and open shirts or vests... tight jeans... and yes, near the time of him wearing "thongs" on the beach days of Volver a Empezar. This was not the non-teasing not the Chayanne of today that only lets us peak at that perfectly engineered body of his for like 3 seconds during "Antes de Dormir" in concerts. Oh my, sorry I think I went into a rant in my head lol
"Daria Cualquier Cosa"
daria cualquier cosa para estar contigo
daria cualquier cosa por volverte a ver
en ese apartamento
donde no alumbra el sol caliente y sopla el viento
daria cualquier cosa por volverte a ver
daria cualquier cosa por sentir tu cuerpo
daira cualquier cosa por tenerte cerca otra vez
y acariciar tu espalda
mientras te vas tendiendo suave, delicada
daria cualquier cosa por volverte a ver
enamorado del amor no se vivir sin ti a solas con mi soledad
te echo de menos de verdad sintiendote alejar por mi
enamorado del amor buscando tu calor encuentro oscuridad y frio
daria cualquier cosa por estar contigo
daria cualquier cosa por llamarte ahora
daria cualquier cosa por oir tu voz
al otro lado del telefono
para arreglar mi tonta vida, deprimida
daria cualquier cosa por volverte a ver
"I'd Give Anything"
I’d give anything to be with you
I’d give anything to see you again
In that apartment
Where the warm sun no longer shines nor the wind blows
I’d give anything to see you again
I’d give anything to feel your body
I’d give anything to have you near me once again
And caress your back
As you lay yourself so softly and delicately
I’d give anything to see you again.
Enamored by love, I don’t know how to live without you in my loneliness
I miss you, it’s the truth, as I feel you further away from me
Enamored by love, searching for your warmth I only find darkness and cold…
I’d give anything... to be with you
I’d give anything to be able to call you right now
I’d give anything to hear your voice on the other side of the phone
To fix my dumb and depressed life
I’d give anything to see you again
Enamored by love, I don’t know how to live without you in my loneliness
I miss you, it’s the truth, as I feel you further away from me
Enamored by love, searching for your warmth I only find darkness and cold…
I’d give anything... to be with you (2x)
Translation~Bariana A. Minaya
Original Language Lyrics can be found on
All the Lyrics.Com
Thank for lyrics. You did great job for me. :)